Shabbat Services

Beit Tefillah – House of Worship

Shabbat worship services provide us with the opportunity to welcome Shabbat with moments of peace and joy. Each week both connect with old friends and welcome newcomers. Through meditative and participatory singing, we welcome Shabbat with the music inspired by the Psalms of Kabbalat Shabbat that express beauty in the world. The Rabbi and Cantorial Soloists help create a welcoming feeling for all. Meaningful insights, poems, and inspirations from our diverse tradition lift us up in prayer. Thoughtful divrei Torah, sermons, or stories help connect our sacred tradition to our lives in the modern world. Occasionally, we use Visual T’filah to enhance our prayer experience through the use of visual kavanot that bring direction to our prayers.

Weekly Shabbat Services 

Beth Tikvah is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) and uses the prayer book, Mishkan T’filah, which contains instructions and commentary to meet the needs of all congregants. Services are led in a combination of Hebrew and English.

Our prayer services take place in our beautiful sanctuary every Friday evening. Times vary depending on special services. Following services, a member-sponsored Oneg Shabbat offers an opportunity for light refreshment and socializing with other congregants.

In addition, congregational Shabbat dinners occur throughout the year as a way of allowing individuals and families the opportunity to share in the celebration of Shabbat with the Beth Tikvah community.

Shabbat Vayinafash
Shabbat Vayinafash is a Shabbat filled with peace, meditation and reflection. Beth Tikvah’s instrumental musicians, provides accompaniment for our soloists in this service held every two months.

Shironim Shabbat
Beth Tikvah’s congregational adult choir, the Shironim, provides musical leadership in this monthly service. The choir presents music for congregational participation as well as contemplative reflection from both traditional and contemporary Jewish music sources. The Shironim Shabbat services seek to inspire and elevate prayer through the power of vocal music.

Tikvah Tots Shabbat
Our youngest congregants are introduced to the festive nature of Shabbat at this special service and program where storytelling, singing, and child participation are the focus. This short service is geared to children ages 8 and younger. Tikvah Tots programs are held on select Friday evenings.

Family Shabbat
Religious school students in grades 3-6 lead the congregation in prayer during these services, which happen four times during the religious school year. Through readings, teachings, and songs led by the students, this service reflects the youthful vision and spirit of Shabbat. Shir Chadash (teen choir) also perform at these services.

Saturday Morning Services

B’nai Mitzvah
Shabbat Morning Services are held on dates designated for our B’nai Mitzvah students and are open to the congregation.

Library Minyan & Torah Study

This Saturday morning prayer experience led by Rabbi Rick is a highly-participatory, guitar-led service. Stay for a discussion of the weekly Torah portion from Hasidic and spiritual points of view.