Meet The Office Staff

Debbie Vinocur, Executive Director

Ph: (614) 885-6286 ext. 2

Debbie is responsible for the coordination of all events within the temple and congregational membership. She also coordinates the management and supervision of the administrative and custodial personnel and functions. In addition, Debbie is responsible for the management of our building’s maintenance, safety, and security. She serves as the central administrator of the Temple ensuring implementation of policies, procedures, and decisions of the clergy, temple officers, Board of Trustees, and committees.

Morissa R. Freiberg, RJE, Director of Education & Lifelong Learning

Ph: (614) 885-6286 ext. 3

As Director of Education, Morissa oversees the Religious and Hebrew School programs. To read more about Morissa, please check out her Religious School Director’s page.

Everett Smith, Finance Manager

Ph: (614) 885-6286 ext. 4

Everett is responsible for maintaining the Temple’s finances by working directly with the Executive Director and the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees. Under their supervision he administers membership payments, payroll, and other financial processes that ensure the responsible fiscal management of our sacred partnership. In the fall of 2020, Everett returned to his hometown of Columbus after living in Jacksonville, FL where he worked as a church bookkeeper for 20 years and also as an instructor in business for a local college. He also served in the Army and the Navy for many years.

Rhonda Simon, Administrative Assistant

Ph: (614) 885-6286 ext. 6

Rhonda is the Administrative Assistant who greets the congregants from the front desk.  She works closely with the Executive Director and the Rabbi.  Rhonda moved to Columbus from Pittsburgh in April of 2020.  She came here to be with her family after her retirement and was fortunate to find a place at Beth Tikvah.  She is very happy to be here and finds enjoyment in meeting all of the congregants.

Hannah Karr, Marketing & Communications Specialist

Ph: (614) 885-6286 ext. 5

Hannah is responsible for creating and sending out weekly emails and a monthly newsletter to keep members informed about upcoming events, important announcements, and community news. Additionally, she manages the congregation’s social media accounts and public presence as well as the development of office resources. Hannah graduated from Ohio University in May 2024 with a degree in Journalism and Marketing. She moved back to Columbus and is experiencing the full-circle moment of returning to her childhood temple, Beth Tikvah, to start her professional career. 


Custodial Staff:

Ruth Kaiser, Event Custodian

Enos Wisniewski, Custodian