- 3392 North High Street from 1962 to 1968.
- 3199 Indianola Avenue from 1968 to 1981.
- 6121 Olentangy River Road from 1981 to the present.
September 1961 was Beth Tikvah’s first High Holy Day service led by Rabbi Donald R. Berlin from HUC with President Richard Goldgraden. Thirty-four family members participated.
September 16, 1962 – dedication of 1st Torah donated by Bonnie & Ed Cohen.
November 1962- Adult Hebrew classes began in through the Columbus Hebrew School
April 1962– Tikvah Topics first printed.
February 1962– Congregation Sisterhood formed.
- First anniversary of Beth Tikvah celebrated with dancing, singing, and midnight supper. Cost: $2.50 per person.
November 16, 1963- Beth Tikvah became a member of UAHC.
April 11, 1964 — Square dance – $1.00 per person.
Spiritual leaders:
- Rabbi John Raynor from London, England – temporary, part time from 1963-1965 – when in London, headed the largest reform congregation.
- Rabbi Bennett Hermann – part time 1965 to full time 1966-1970 – resigned 1970
- Rabbi Alan Ponn – 1970-71
- Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael – part time Rabbi 1971-1973 – OSU Professor of Jewish History
- Rabbi Roger Klein – first full time Rabbi – 1973 – 1981 – “Fair share” instituted to help pay for full time Rabbi.
- Rabbi Anthony Holz from South Africa – 1981-1983
- Rabbi Gary A. Huber – 1983 – August 2011
- Rabbi Richard M.C. Kellner – July 2011 – Present
1977 – Beth Tikvah and Beth Shalom joined together for a dedicated section of Greenlawn Cemetery for burials
Jack Resler donated land at Olentangy River Road for current building – Yearly Resler Scholar Weekend named in his honor (began December 6, 1980)
September 9, 1979 – Groundbreaking for Olentangy River Road location.
November 16, 1980 – Dedication for Olentangy River Road location.
1988 – Linda Heyman – Principal of Religious School – 250+students attending
March 4, 1990 – Groundbreaking for additional space for sanctuary, library, additional classrooms, office space, and gift shop.
November 17, 2002– Ed Schecter started the Beth Tikvah Brotherhood. Formally established June 8, 2003.
May 17, 2004 – First Volunteer Appreciation service and dinner.
January 2007 – First Chicken Soup Cook-Off to benefit the Jewish Camp Fund.
November 2007 – First Veteran’s Oneg.
June 2012– Groudbreaking for the Renewal 2011 project.
March 2013– Dedication of the new sanctuary as well as the new additions to the building.