Shishim January Meeting

January 3, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Shishim January Meeting

11:00 AM – Jewish Women and their Legal Right in Medieval England


Sara Butler, OSU History Professor, will discuss the legal rights of Jewish women in Medieval England in both Jewish courts as well as alongside Christians in the king’s courts.


The talk will highlight theoretical restraints on both Jewish and Christian women’s participation in the law, and how they outmaneuvered the courts in order to do what they needed to do.


We will learn how Jewish women played an active role as both litigants and accusers.


Noon – Lunch


1:00 PM – The Samson Syndrome


The biblical hero Samson (Judges 14) could not find a woman to love among his own people. This appears to be a perennial problem among Jewish singles.


Matt Goldish, OSU History Professor, will discuss the allure of non-Jewish partners as it has been portrayed in American cinema using film clips and interactive discussion.


Note: This program will NOT be on Zoom